Publication ethics
Editorial policy of the Journal is based on the recommendations of international organizations on the ethics of scientific publications:
Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors
Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers
Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers
International standards for editors and authors, developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
Guidelines and recommendations of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE)
All the participants of the preparation for publication in the Journal: authors, reviewers, Editorial Board members, publishing house representatives should follow the standards of the publication ethics set forth below. In case any malpractice of the principles is suspected, the Editorial Board will follow the instructions of COPE.
The scientific peer-reviewed journal "Articult" is a non-commercial publication.
The journal's policy regarding the readers:
The Editorial Board seeks to constantly improve the journal.
The Editorial Board disposes of procedures aimed at assuring the quality of scientific publications.
The Editorial Board is faithful to the principles of scientific honesty.
The Editorial Board assures that all the publications are refereed by well-qualified specialists.
The Editorial Board assures that all the materials published by its members are refereed on equal terms as those by other authors.
The Editorial Board makes efforts to broaden the base of reviewers.
The journal only publishes original studies and articles.
The journal is distributed in the PDF format to the leading university and research centers in Russia and worldwide.
The journal is on open access. All the content of the journal is available, as a rule, immediately upon publication.
The journal is available online in the PDF format. Therefore Adobe Reader has to be installed on the computer.