Academical formalisation

To prepare paper before reviewing, authors should be guided by the following requirements
(For convenience, you can use a following template as example):
1. A paper for publication is presented in two versions - Russian and English. At least one version must be complete, containing the main text of the paper.
The mandatory components of the paper are:
- Title of the paper
- Full name of author / authors,
- Information about the author / authors (academic degree and academic title, position or level of training, contact information)
- Name of the institution (full according to the official sources), city, country
- Abstract (summary) is prefered from 800 to 1200 characters
- Keywords (number of keywords from 5 to 12)
- Bibliography
In brief (English or Russian language) versions of all of these components are required, except for the main text.
2. "Cap" the article made as follows:
- Title of the article in bold.
- Name listed under the title, academic degree and academic rank (if any), the position (if no, social status) of the author, contact information
- Abstract (in bold): from 8 to 10 lines
- Key words (in bold): from 5 to 10
3. The recommended number of characters for each article is from 20.000 to 40.000 characters (one word is about 8 characters). The main criterion for estimating is the sufficiency and adequacy of the number of characters to the problem described in the article.
4. The text of Article typed, single-spaced, font Times New Roman, 12 pt; footnotes at the end of each page observing the actual rules for quotations and bibliography
5. To highlight anything we use only italics, not underlining (except Internet links); All illustrations, graphs and tables need to be located in the text as illustration to the particular passage in the text (and not at the end of the document) with mandatory indication in the text format (Fig. 1). Illustrations and photographs in electronic form to be sent as separate e-files (format - JPG, resolution - not less than 300dpi, a size of each file 5 MB or less)
6. Any acknowledgements (in bold) follow immediately after the main text.
7. Any information on the support by funds, grant programs or independent initiatives needs to be published as note 1 to the title in Russian and English languages. Given the number of the project; character number is not used. Project Name is optional - in quotes after the project number.
8. After the main text will be the bibliography (in bold), in English or (if any Russian sources are cited) in Russian and English, designed according to the regulations of the bibliographic description.
9. If the article mentions films, filmography is provided (in bold) immediately after bibliography, designed in accordance with the example in the template.