Ethical principles

The editorial office of the “Articult” in all its relationship with authors and readers completely adheres to the ethical principles accepted in scientific communication at all stages of the production of scientific knowledge.
1. Authors' responsibility
1.1. The authors sending the article to the editorial office confirm that this article, in whole or in part, or any original material contained in the article, even stated in another form, other words or using other examples, is not under consideration in the editorial office of another journal, and that no results of the research presented in the article, except results already published with the correct reference, have not been published earlier.
1.2. The authors take full responsibility for the content of the article, interim statements and conclusions. The articles should use only the results of original scientific research, which are reasonable and accessible for discussion. In the case of taking any materials from any sources, should be made appropriate correct reference.
1.3. The authors are responsible for any form of plagiarism, including translation, paraphrase, taking schemes, tables, formulas, images (figures) and other materials. Unauthorized taking and reproduction of any components in the article (text, illustrative materials, research data, etc.) is unacceptable. Taken components, reproduced with the consent of the rights holders, need to be presented correctly with appropriate reference.
1.4. Authors should respect all the formal requirements of the editorial board for the preparation and editing of articles (formats, fonts, technical requirements for figures and schemes), and when submitting material for consideration, fully comply with all the rules for writing an article, including the preparation of accompanying materials.
1.5. At all stages of work on the publication, authors must respond promptly to editorial requests related to the editing, proof-reading and layout processes of the article. The absence of a response to the editor's letter for more than a week, in the absence of an answer and a follow-up letter, may result in the removal of the article from the production.
2. Responsibility of the Editorial Board
2.1. Editorial office of the “Articult” accepts for consideration previously unedited articles, which represent an original scientific research, corresponding to the scientific specialties presented in the edition and the general thematic direction of the edition.
2.2. The editorial board starts to consider the submitted article only if it fully corresponds to one of the scientific specialties of the edition, the general thematic direction of the edition and the formal requirements published on the website of the publication. In case of non-compliance with these formal requirements, the author is sent a refusal to publish on the basis of nonconformity of the design, without explaining which requirements are not met.
2.3. After the commencement of the review procedure, the article is checked for plagiarism by the official Anti-Plagiarism system. In case of detection of a previously published work that repeats the results of the article under consideration by more than 25% according to the results of the Anti-plagiarism test, the editorial office of the “Articult” refuses authors to publish the article unless the program error is proved.
2.4. After the required procedure of checking the article with the Anti-Plagiarism system, the article is sent to blind review.
2.5. The reason for the decision by the editorial board to accept the article for publication or refuse is exclusively scientific significance of the article, which is confirmed by the reviewer's assessment and the collegial decision of the members of the editorial board of the edition.
2.6. Members of the editorial board and the editorial council of the “Articult” do not have the right to disclose information on articles received by the editorial office, with the exception of persons directly involved in the article and the process of preparing it for publication.
2.7. The members of the editorial board and the editorial council of the “Articult”, becoming familiar with the original information contained in the article in question, do not have the right to use it in their own research or for other personal purposes. The use of such information is allowed only after the official publication of the article in the case of correct citation in accordance with generally accepted requirements.
2.8. Editors should evaluate scientific articles on intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship and political views of the authors.
3. Responsibilities of reviewers
3.1. Reviewing articles in the “Articult” is blind. The reviewer does not disclose either the authorship of the article or the author's affiliation.
3.2. Reviewing articles in the “Articult” is anonymous. Authors are not informed who reviewed their article.
3.3. Reviewers should not disclose to not authorized persons any information about entries submitted for review.
3.4. Before the publication of the article reviewers have no right to use in their own research or for other personal purposes the information to which they were given access during the review process.
3.5. Reviewers should conduct a scientific examination of the articles within the time frame established by the editorial office (no more than three weeks). If reviewing is not possible within the specified time frame, the reviewer should immediately notify the editorial office thereof.
3.6. When reviewing articles, reviewers must adhere to the requirements of accuracy and objectivity. The only criterion in assessing the article is its scientific significance. In case of presence or occurrence of a conflict of interest in any form between the reviewer and the author, the reviewer is obliged to notify the editorial office of this immediately and refrain from reviewing.
4. Conflict of interest
All interested persons participating in the process of forming the scientific content of the “Articult” should avoid the emergence of conflicts of interest in any form at all stages of the process of editing the article before the press. In the case of any conflict of interest in any form, the person who first discovered such a conflict should immediately notify the editorial office thereof. The same applies to any violation of generally accepted ethical norms and rules from either party of the process.